Panhellenic’s Call to Action

As the Panhellenic Executive Board, we have taken this time to reflect on our own actions and how we can become more educated on diversity and inclusion as well as begin to make our community more inclusive to women of color. We see all of the wrongdoings that have occurred in the past, nationally and locally, and have created a Call to Action that consists of three main goals which we will work towards in hopes of becoming a stronger ally to our sisters, friends, and peers. This Call to Action is the beginning piece in what we hope to be a transformation for our community. We understand this change will not come overnight and it will take growth within our entire community to help us move forward to a better future.

  • Our first goal is to become more educated on diversity and inclusion as individuals, within our own community and on-campus with our peers. This upcoming fall semester, Panhellenic Council will host a program that will educate our women on how to be an ally, explain what white privilege is and how it affects others and general information regarding diversity and inclusion.  

  • Our second goal is to become a stronger support system for our sisters of different ethnicities, our brothers and sisters in different Greek organizations, and student organizations on campus that are predominantly members of color. We hope to not only support them through their events and fundraising but to become a partner with them to create change on UNCW’s campus.

  • Our final goal is to create a diversity and inclusion committee that will fall under the Vice President of Membership Development. This committee will work together to plan events and educational programs each semester. We hope this not only allows us to show our support and begin to make a much-needed change within our Panhellenic community but also to create meaningful relationships with our peers.